We are in to the busy time of year where we have very full lanes so it is particularly challenging to ensure we all get a good swim.  To be fair to everyone, please do try and follow some simple rules as much as possible:

  1. Please turn up on time if at all possible.  It is disruptive to other swimmers if you are late, especially when the lanes are very full.  I know it is not always possible for everyone to turn up on time, due to family commitments and the like, but please do if you can.
  2. Please sign in and pay, for the lane you plan to swim in, before getting in the water.  The sign-up sheet should tell you which lanes have space if people correctly sign in.
  3. Please be flexible and consider moving lane if appropriate.  Everyone in the pool should be able to get a good workout in a faster or slower lane than their normal lane.  In a faster lane you may need to miss out some of the reps and keep out of the way of faster swimmers some times.  When swimming in a slower lane you may need to put more effort in to each rep to get a similar training effect from the set.

This week we will be doing some speed endurance 100s to continue the faster-paced work we started last week after some more practice on higher stroke rate drills in the warm up.  See you Saturday!
